There's no any particular cpm rate, all the rates are highly dynamic and different for each site and user. Google blocker to eliminate bad ads and let users go ad-free ~ tech news

Friday, June 9, 2017

Google blocker to eliminate bad ads and let users go ad-free

On the block
Thomas Trutschel/Getty
OK GOOGLE, get rid of bad ads. The tech giant has announced that it will introduce its own ad blocker to the Chrome browser next year to remove the most intrusive ads. It will also let websites remove ads for people who pay to go ad-free.
Many people, including a quarter of UK adults, use ad-blocking software. But Google hopes that blocking the worst offenders itself will encourage people to put up with the rest. The company makes 86 per cent of its revenue from advertising, so has a large stake in making sure most adverts get through.
Chrome will block pop-ups, autoplaying video ads with sound, and ads shown before a page opens, among others. “It’s far too common that people encounter annoying, intrusive ads on the web ,” wrote Sridhar Ramaswamy, Google’s senior vice-president for ads and commerce in a blog post. “These frustrating experiences can lead some people to block all ads.”


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