There's no any particular cpm rate, all the rates are highly dynamic and different for each site and user. Grab one of 2,000 Post Human W.A.R beta keys and start playing right now! ~ tech news

Friday, June 16, 2017

Grab one of 2,000 Post Human W.A.R beta keys and start playing right now!

Humanity has died out and all that's left on Earth are the mutated animals and household robots we left behind. This is how you're introduced to the world of Post Human W.A.R, a turn-based strategy game that pits sentient vacuum cleaners against tracksuit monkeys against each other in warfare.

There are, in fact, three different factions - or groups - to choose from in Post Human W.A.R. They're all battling to decide the fate of the world now that humans have been wiped out. The mutated animals are hoping to destroy everything - they're pretty angry about the state they've been left in - the robots are hoping to protect humanity's heritage, and finally the monkeys are hoping to pick back up where the humans left off, becoming the new dominant species.

 Once you've picked which side you'll serve, you then enter battle with the others, which requires you to pick units and spread them across a honeycomb grid - positioning your fighters to be the most effective is crucial. While fighting, either in single-player or online against strangers, you'll also need to make use of the environment, as well as react to the enemy's bluffs - adding a psychological level to the game's tactics.
If you want to get involved in the beta of Post Human W.A.R right now, you can. Just enter via our widget below and unlock your key.

When you've grabbed your code redeem via Steam. Simply click the ‘Add a Game’ button at the bottom left of the Steam client window, and ‘Activate a Product on Steam’. Follow the instructions, download the game, and get playing!

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